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澳大利亚昆士兰大学(Queensland University)高级讲师(Senior Lecturer)
2010 法学博士 英国 牛津大学
2004 法学副博士 英国 牛津大学
2002 法律硕士 英国 牛津大学
2005-2006 英国University of the West of England 大学讲师(Lecturer)
2004-2005 英国University of Leicester 大学导师(Tutor)
英国法学家协会(Society of Legal Schoolars,UK)副主席
在合同法、中国法与英格兰-澳大利亚私法的比较法研究领域造诣颇深,已在多个国际顶尖期刊上发表过论文,包括The Modern Law Review, Cambridge Law Journal, Legal Studies, Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, and International Business Lawyer. 出版书籍和发表论文情况如下:
1、Q Liu, Anticipatory Breach (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2010)
教材章节(Book Chapters)
1、Q Liu, 'Test Bank' in Jill Poole's Textbook on Contract Law (OUP, 2006)
期刊论文(Journal Articles):
1、Q Liu, 'The White & Carter Principle: A Restatement' (2011) 74 Modern Law Review 171-194
2、Q Liu, 'The Puzzle of Unintended Acceptance of Repudiation' (2011) 1 Lloyd's Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly (LMCLQ) 4-15
3、Q Liu, 'The Pitfall of Subjective Renunciation' (2010) LMCLQ) 359-364
4、Q Liu, 'The Test of Fundamentality in Anticipatory Breach Cases: Spirent v Quake' (2008) 46 Canadian Business Law Journal 443-449
5、Q Liu, 'Inferring Future Breach: Towards a Unifying Test of Anticipatory Breach of Contract' (2007) 56 Cambridge Law Journal 574-604
6、Q Liu, 'The Date for Assessing Damages for Loss of Prospective Performance Under a Contract' (2007) LMCLQ 273-278
7、Q Liu, 'The Chinese Property Rights Law: Old Wine in a New Bottle' (2007) LawAsia Journal 163-185
8、Q Liu, 'Accepted Anticipatory Breach: Duty of Mitigation and Damages Assessment' (2006) LMCLQ 17-22
9、Q Liu, 'Claiming Damages upon an Anticipatory Breach: Why Should an Acceptance Be Necessary?' (2005) 25 Legal Studies 559-577
10、Q Liu, 'From Objective Test to Pragmatic Test: A Purposive Interpretation of Short-Swing Trading Provision' (2001) 2 Xiamen University Law Review 50-85 (in Chinese)
11、Q Liu, 'The People's Republic of China: New Contract Law Upgrades Legal Environment for Business' (2001) 29 International business Lawyer 27-36
12、Q Liu, 'A Study on the Civil Liabilities of Certificate Public Accountants' (2000) 16 Civil and Commercial Law Review 101-127 (in Chinese)
13、Q Liu, 'Rebus Sic Stantibus: Legislative and Judicial Issues on Uniform Contract Law' (1999) 21 Modern Law Science 36-45 (in Chinese)
14、Q Liu, 'On Civil Law Aspects of A Hijacking Case' (1999) Law Science 58-66 (in Chinese)
会议报告(Conference Papers):
1、Q Liu, 'Election And Estoppel in the Doctrine of Anticipatory Breach', Faculty of Business, Economics and Law Research Conference 2007, UQ Staff and Graduates Club, The University of Queensland 17 September 2007
2、Q Liu, 'The Real Right Law of the People's Republic of China: Old Wine in a New Bottle', 10th Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies Association of Australia, Griffith University, South Bank, Brisbane 27-29 June 2007